You’ll never run out of space with SmugMug. Store and organize every one of your photos at full resolution thanks to our truly unlimited, zero-compression photo storage.
Once your photos have been uploaded, it’s a snap to organize them into folders and galleries for display on your website. Whether you’re sorting through individual photos or need to manage a big batch from a recent photoshoot, SmugMug has you covered.
SmugMug’s set-and-forget auto upload function for desktop and mobile devices ensures that every photo you take is safe and sound in the cloud, ready for sorting, editing, sharing, or sales.
Not every photo you upload is for everyone to see. SmugMug’s built-in privacy and security settings help you organize your photos and control who sees what, with unlisted galleries, password protections, and more.
Add titles, descriptions, and keyword metadata to your photos and galleries to make them more organized and easy to find for friends, family, or clients.
If you’re anything like the photographers at SmugMug, you have more photos than you know what to do with. And if you’ve been taking photos for a while, they may be in a lot of different places: your phone, a portable hard drive, an old social media site, a shoebox, the list goes on.
It’s a bit of work up front, but organizing your photos can be an immense help, whether you’re a casual phone photographer or a long-time pro.
Organizing photos online has three primary benefits over the old-school methods mentioned above: protecting your photos, making them easy to find, and controlling their visibility to the world.
Probably the most important aspect of photo organizing, and, fortunately, it’s also the easiest. Online photo storage places your photos in the cloud, making them far less vulnerable to the dangers of physical storage. You’ll never have to worry about corrupted data, misplacing a hard drive, or losing photos to a natural disaster.
is a huge benefit to organizing them. When you have folders, galleries, descriptions, and keywords in place, it’s easier to find just the photo you’re looking for. This helps when curating galleries of your own photos, finding prints for clients, or just pulling up your favorite pet photo for friends.
is crucial when organizing, because not every photo you take is for every person to see. Providing a client with a password-protected proofing gallery, or sending your family the link to the family photo album will help you share photos with the people you want to see them, and nobody else.