We don’t charge per photo or per GB. Our storage price is lower than Dropbox, Google photos, Amazon, and Apple Photos, and comes with more helpful features, too.
You will always have access to your full resolution photos, no matter what. We don’t alter or downsize your photos to save on space when you upload them.
SmugMug will never mine, sell, or share your data. Your photos are yours and yours alone, and you control who gets to see what with incredible privacy settings.
Get automatic uploads across a variety of apps including our mobile apps and our Windows desktop app.
Build folders and galleries just the way you like them with our Organizer. This will help you share and find just the right photo when you need it.
Backing up your photos is a good idea for just about everyone who owns a camera—even the one on your phone.
If you’re a professional photographer, you know that harddrives are good, but not perfectly reliable, and having a safe, secure, and easy solution to backup your photos in the cloud can give you some much-needed peace of mind.
If you’re a hobbyist, social media user, or don’t want to risk losing those memories on your phone, camera, or computer, having a photo backup system that offers unlimited storage is the best way to protect your photos.
The best ways to backup photos are ones that will keep them safe, secure, and accessible. Additionally, creating redundancies is never a bad idea. These could include:
Both are fine options depending on your needs, but neither offers truly unlimited storage space like SmugMug does for the same low price. Depending on how many photos you take and how easily you’d like to retrieve them, you should consider all of your options.
It’s also a good idea to have a secondary photo backup and photo storage solution, just in case one shuts down, decides to increase prices, or you get locked out of your account.
Yes, you can download the SmugMug app to any iOS or Android device, or any PC or Mac and backup your photos. You can backup photos manually, or set it and forget it with automatic uploads on most devices.
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App Store
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