
Improving SEO for SmugMug customers.

March 4, 2024
Updated on:
Woman sitting at an outdoor café, working on a tablet, with a camera sitting on the table nearby.

At SmugMug, we're always striving to make your experience better, and that includes ensuring your photos and galleries get the visibility they deserve. In the first quarter of this year, we embarked on a mission to enhance the SEO (search engine optimization) of your SmugMug sites to ensure they get more visibility in search results. Here's a breakdown of what it means for you and what's on the horizon.

What changed.

We rolled up our sleeves and dove deep into the backend of SmugMug to improve the SEO performance of your photo sites. As we optimized for SEO, we also improved performance and reliability for your photo galleries. The proof is in the numbers.

Since beginning our SEO overhaul on November 2, 2023, we've seen significant improvements in key metrics, as reported by Google Search Console:

  • A whopping 140% increase in the number of *.smugmug.com pages indexed by Google.
  • A remarkable uptick in images and videos with enhanced metadata.
  • Double-digit percentage increases in both web and image search impressions.

This means more of your sites are being crawled and, more importantly, more of your photos are being seen. Not just being seen, but clicked on and engaged with!

While these numbers speak volumes, it's essential to remember that SEO is an ongoing journey, and there's a lot you can do to help boost your own numbers. We've got a guide to help you do just that!

What's next.

SEO improvements will continue to be one of our priorities. Our commitment to improving your photo site's visibility is unwavering. And while the work on SEO may never be finished, we're dedicated to elevating your SmugMug experience and helping your photos shine on the web.