
How to create photography packages that sell.

April 18, 2024
Updated on:
Woman sitting in a café and looking at the LCD screen of her DSLR camera.

Looking to boost your photography business's average order value and make booking appointments a breeze? Crafting the perfect photography package is the key. We've got you covered with this five-step guide that breaks it all down. Plus, we'll sprinkle in some expert tips on how to present your packages to potential and returning clients. Let's dive in!

1. Curate your products.

First things first, look at your sales data to see which products are flying off the shelves. Whether it's canvas prints for pawtrait sessions or wallet-size paper prints for senior portraits, tailor your packages to what your clients love.

Pro tip: Add high-margin items like metal prints or photo books as upsells to specific packages to boost your income and keep your clients happy.

2. Package variety is key.

When it comes to package options, three's the magic number. It's enough to offer variety without overwhelming your clients. But hey, if you've got a killer custom bundle in mind, toss in a fourth option for those looking for something extra special. And remember, each package can be tailored to different types of photography, so you're always ready to capture those unforgettable moments.

Here’s an example of offering three different packaging tiers for two different types of photography:

Pro tip: Create unique landing pages for each type of photography you offer to showcase relevant samples of your work to clients and improve your visibility in Google searches.

3. Name your packages.

Time to get creative with your package names! Keep it simple with standard labels or jazz things up with a bit of branding. From "Classic Collection" to "Pawsitively Platinum," let your imagination run wild (but not too wild—you want your clients to know what they're getting!).

Pro tip: Use themed package names to add personality and create a memorable experience for your clients, like "Hot Cocoa Holiday Specials" for seasonal sessions.

An example of standard package names:

4. Solve the pricing puzzle.

Pricing your packages doesn't have to be difficult. Start with a basic formula—think business costs + materials + labor + profit + taxes—and set your pricing based on your margins.

Focus on items with higher margins that are in high demand and aim for a base margin of 50% or higher. For example, if paper printing has a 20% margin and canvas has a 70% margin, include canvas prints in your popular packages to offset lower-margin items. Adjust your package contents to maintain or exceed the 50% margin goal. For instance:

Original package:

  • 6 wallet-size paper prints at $10 with a 20% margin ($2)
  • 1 8x10 paper print at $20 with a 20% margin ($4)
  • 1 24x36 canvas print at $30 with a 70% margin ($21)
    Total margin: 31%

Adjusted package:

  • 12 wallet-size paper prints at $20 with a 20% margin ($4)
  • 2 8x10 paper prints at $40 with a 20% margin ($8)
  • 1 24x36 canvas print at $100 with a 70% margin ($70)
  • 1 24x36 metal print at $120 with an 80% margin ($96)
    New total margin: 64%

By making strategic adjustments, you can meet or exceed your margin goal, boosting your profitability.

Pro tip: Highlight high-margin items like canvas prints or metal masterpieces in your packages to boost your overall margin and offer added value to your clients.

5. Showcase your packages.

Now for the fun part—showing off your photography packages. Whether it's through eye-catching colors, playful fonts, or strategic sizing, make sure your options are front and center.

Pro tip: Use design elements like banners or starbursts to draw attention to your best-seller or current promotion and guide clients toward their ideal package.

Here are a few examples of ways to display your photography packages:

And there you have it—the ultimate guide to crafting, pricing, designing, and showcasing your photography packages. 

Ready to take your business to the next level? Click here to give SmugMug a try for free and revolutionize the way you book clients, sell prints, and share photos securely.